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Cap Black
Cap Black
This black cap will be a stylish addition to your everyday stylizations, especially on hot sunny days. This practical cap is convenient to use as it has a plastic clasp in the back so that you can match it to your individual needs. The presented black cap draws the attention with a gray print of the logo of Maxton Design, a producer of aerodynamic products. This cap looks slick, but it also makes for a very practical protection from intense sunlight.
Why is this MA-CA-BLK-1 black cap worth spending your money on?
- it’s made of high-grade fabric,
- it works well as a complement to sports clothing,
- it constitutes a great protection from the Sun,
- it has a clasp for size regulation.
Für dieses Produkt zuständige Stelle in der EU
Maxton DesignMehr
HerstellerMaxton DesignTIN: PL9930412115Adresse:
ul. Podlesie 26Postleitzahl: 32-830Ort: WojniczLand: PolenAdresse E-Mail: gpsr@maxtondesign.eu
Zuständige StelleMaxton DesignTIN: PL9930412115Adresse:
ul. Podlesie 26Postleitzahl: 32-830Ort: WojniczLand: PolenAdresse E-Mail: gpsr@maxtondesign.eu
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Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren
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